About Us
Network of Cities for Collaborative Housing (NETCO) is a network of towns led by the Barcelona Municipality within the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme.
- The project aims to promote peer learning and exchange among city practitioners and civil society individuals and organizations on collective housing formulas at local level, as a long-term policy solution to address racial, gender and generational disparities through participation in neighbors’ and community engagement initiatives.
- The COVID-19 crisis offers a unique opportunity to improve access to housing for the most vulnerable and discriminated members of our communities, engaging them through community formulas. In this project, collaborative housing refers to those initiatives where the inhabitants have an active role in the ongoing management of the residential community.
- Collaborative housing, in its different shapes, from cohousing to community land trusts, functions as civic engagement enhancer, promoting social cohesion in cities by including lower-income households who may be priced out of gentrifying neighbourhoods.
This will be done through a series of online and in person events that will showcase the unique European social and affordable housing branch of the welfare states, through a compilation of local best practices on collaborative housing and a series of international conferences in four different cities across the EU.
Exchange and discussion on key policies for collaborative housing to succeed will be organized with a strong practical orientation to align knowledge and interest of city practitioners and civil society individuals and organizations on collaborative housing.
Cities can move towards reducing inequalities and poverty levels while providing access to adequate housing for all, through collective housing as a catalyst to achieve other fundamental rights, especially for those groups that for various reasons face bigger challenges such as the young, migrants, women, and the elderly.
Who Are We?
Please note that the information provided here is based on the available information up to July 2023, and it is recommended to contact NETCO directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Download Our Report
Download the report on “NETWORK OF CITIES FOR COLLABORATIVE HOUSING / 2023-2024 Peer Exchanges / Policy Recommendations” here:
NETCO Webinar
Watch our latest webinar below in English, Español, and Français:
This project aims to promote peer learning and exchange among city practitioners and civil society individuals and organizations across Europe on collective housing formulas at local level. Learn more about the online and in person events that we host to showcase the unique European social and affordable housing branch of the welfare states, through a compilation of local best practices on collaborative housing and series of international conferences in four different cities across the EU.
Second NETCO Conference
Third NETCO Conference
Online Kick-off and Webinar
Event 1 (Online, 2022): Hosted by the Municipality of Barcelona, this webinar focused on collaborative housing as a key local policy during COVID-19.
Online Webinar
Event 6 (Online, March-April 2024): Hosted by Barcelona, this webinar provided recommendations and next steps for collaborative housing.
Want To Know More?
If you want to know more about the project, you can contact us for any type of information.
Project Coordinator
For your project management requirements, we offer the expertise of a seasoned professional. Our project coordinator ensures the seamless execution of every aspect of your project, providing innovative solutions tailored to your specific objectives.

Maite Arrondo
Project CoordinatorConsultant on Innovation in Housing Policies
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand the importance of addressing common queries efficiently. Here are some of the key questions that often arise, along with their respective comprehensive answers.
What is the NETCO Project all about?
The NETCO Project, known as the Network of Cities for Collaborative Housing, aims to foster a platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation among city practitioners, civil society, and organizations on collective housing solutions at the local level. By encouraging collaborative initiatives, it strives to promote sustainable and innovative housing models within communities.
How does the NETCO Project facilitate peer learning among city practitioners?
The NETCO Project facilitates peer learning by organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences where professionals and stakeholders in the field of urban development and housing can engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and gain insights into the implementation of collaborative housing solutions. Through these interactive platforms, participants can exchange experiences, challenges, and successful strategies to enhance their knowledge base.
Who can benefit from participating in the NETCO Project's events?
The NETCO Project's events are designed to benefit a wide array of individuals and entities, including urban planners, policymakers, housing developers, architects, social workers, researchers, and community advocates. Additionally, representatives from municipal authorities, non-governmental organizations, and housing associations can find valuable opportunities to expand their understanding of collaborative housing practices and explore potential avenues for collaboration and partnership.
What role does the Project Coordinator play in the NETCO Project?
The Project Coordinator acts as the central point of contact for the NETCO Project, overseeing the implementation of various initiatives, managing communication between different stakeholders, and ensuring the smooth execution of events and activities. They are responsible for coordinating project timelines, fostering collaborations with partner organizations, and maintaining a cohesive network to facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources effectively.
How can organizations become a part of the NETCO Project as partners?
Organizations interested in joining the NETCO Project as partners can reach out to the designated contact through the official website or directly via email. By expressing their commitment to promoting collaborative housing solutions and demonstrating a shared vision for sustainable urban development, organizations can initiate discussions regarding potential collaborations, partnership opportunities, and contributions to the overall objectives of the NETCO Project.
Do you have any questions or suggestions for the project organising team? Put them here or contact.
C. de Pujades, 350, 08019 Barcelona